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Due to her interest in overweight and obesity, made sub-specialty studies in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery and Bariatric Surgery at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, both specialties endorsed by the different associations to which she belongs and is a member.

She trained in surgical centers of excellence with a high volume of patients in Mexico City, Tijuana and Monterrey.


Am I eligible for weight loss surgery?

The obesity has increased in our population and the bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment to lose excess weight and to improve a patient’s health conditions.

The body mass index or BMI is one of the parameters taken into account to determine if a patient is suitable for a bariatric procedure, however; a bariatric assessment is the most appropriate to guide better treatment.

Calculate your body mass index

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If you have a BMI greater than 27, we can have a meeting to guide you in your treatment.

If you have a BMI over 30, you may qualify for bariatric surgery depending on the developed comorbidities.

If you have a BMI greater than 35, you will probably require surgery after an appropriate bariatric assessment.

Bariatric and metabolic surgery

Bariatric surgery is performed when diet and exercise have not worked or when you have serious health problems due to your weight.

Gastric sleeve

Also known as vertical gastrectomy or simply the “sleeve” is a procedure that removes 75% to 80% of the stomach to leave a long tubular stomach.

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

It is the creation of a small gastric reservoir on which a Roux “Y” gastrojejunal anastomosis is performed. Excellent results are reported in patients with obesity, diabetes and gastroesophageal reflux.


It is a Bypass where a gastric sleeve is performed, then the first duodenal portion is sectioned and an anastomosis is performed between the duodenum and the ileum. Used in super obesity, failed gastric sleeve and diabetes.

Minigastric bypass / One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass

It is a variation of the classic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, seeking similar or better effects in a surgery with a single anastomosis.

Revision and conversion surgery

It is one that is performed in patients who have had previous bariatric surgery, whether due to weight gain, failure to lose weight or some complication related to the initial method, requiring a second or third surgery.

Non-surgical treatments for obesity

Surgery is not for everyone, for this reason patients are offered different ways to lose weight without the need for bariatric surgery.

Intragastric balloons

Swallowable gastric balloon

A soft balloon that is placed in the stomach. It is the first Swallowable gastric balloon without the need for surgery, endoscopy or anesthesia, it reduces food intake with an average weight loss of 10 to 15 kg in 16-20 weeks. Its placement takes between 20 minutes during the consultation. It lasts 4-6 months.

Orbera gastric balloon

It is a flexible silicone device that is introduced into the stomach by endoscopy and filled with 400 to 700 ml of sterile saline solution. Thus helping overweight patients achieve a feeling of satiety. Weight loss with the balloon is 20-22 kilos after six months.

Spatz3 adjustable balloon

The Spatz balloon is a silicone device, it also uses 500 to 600 ml of saline solution and is placed endoscopically in the stomach and can remain in place for up to 1 year. The BAS is adjustable and allows its size to be modified at any phase of the treatment. A weight loss of up to 37 kilos has been reported.

What does the Allurion program include?

Pharmacologic Treatment of Overweight and Obesity

This type of treatment should not be considered the only one, but rather as an adjuvant therapy to diet and physical exercise. Drugs intended for this help weight loss to be achieved more quickly and maintained for a longer period of time.

Advanced laparoscopy / Minimal invasion

Laparoscopic procedures use minimally invasive techniques with small incisions and with the help of technology, through cameras and specialized surgical instruments, it can reduce postoperative pain, recovery periods and hospital stay.

  • Achalasia
  • Hiatal Hernia
Gallbladder and bile ducts
  • Gallstones
  • Gallstones in the common bile duct (CBD)
  • Acute appendicitis

Hematological diseases such as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

Small intestine and colon
  • Diverticulitis
  • Sigma volvulus
  • Intestinal obstruction
Abdominal Wall Hernias
  • Epigastric Hernias
  • Incisional Hernias
  • Umbilical Hernias
  • Inguinal Hernias
  • Femoral Hernias


“Me operé de una Manga Gástrica con la Dra. Carolina Muzo, con un diagnóstico de resistencia a la insulina y otros padecimientos físicos hoy a solo 6 meses con un peso de 153 libras y libre de enfermedades causadas por el sobrepeso me siento sanamente feliz y agradecida con todo el equipo multidisciplinario que me acompaña en este proceso”


“He bajado 16 kg en caso 6 meses con el balón y me encuentro muy satisfecha con los resultados que ha brindado la Dra. Muzo ha sido la única que en realidad me ha ayudado con mi problema de peso, después de haber luchado por más de 20 años por fin me siento nuevamente feliz con quien soy”


“Me operé de Manga gástrica con la Dra. y fue la mejor decisión haberlo hecho con ella. Es una profesionista muy actualizada. Cuenta con un equipo multi-disciplinario integral que te llevan de la mano para tu preparación y recuperación para que logres el objetivo sanamente con un mejor estilo de vida”.


“Excelente doctora! Le estoy muy agradecida y la recomiendo ampliamente, es muy profesional y dedicada al paciente. Me colocó el balón Allurion y no pude haber tomado la mejor decisión al ir con ella y optar por este tratamiento. Excelentes resultados me siento feliz soy otra persona”.


We accept some insurers to work together for your health


Hospital ángeles metropolitano

Tlacotalpan 59, Roma Sur, Cuauhtémoc, 06760 Ciudad de México, CDMX, México


+52 55 7837 1127



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Carolina Muzo Díaz - Doctoralia.com.mx

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